Sexuality and Political-religious discourse
in Romanian Pre-Modern Society
Project PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0079
During 2015 the project team members Sexuality and religious-political discourse in early modern Romanian
society continued to documentation and exploitation of results. In addition
to identifying new documents and related literature covering research topic,
team members have published books and articles in journals and collective
volumes and attended scientific meetings in the country and abroad. Some of
these activities are ongoing and will be completed in the future. For this
stage the team had to fulfill two main objectives: Constituting the exhaustive documentary and
bibliographic support (documentaries in archives and libraries in order to
identify the primary and secondary sources; documentaries in libraries in order
to inventory the main historical contributions; indexing the identified
sources) and a preliminary dissemination of the outcomes (lectures and conferences
on the project theme; publishing documents on the project theme; publishing studies in specialty journals). Both objectives were met, but they still relevant for
future stages.
Especially to
accomplish the second objective the project team members presented the
following work papers:
- Constanţa VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU, ’’You would have them lock me up and sell me as slave’’: Parents and
children in eighteenth century Wallachia, International Workshop, ’’Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother’’: Violence
Against Parents in the North of Europe – St. Anne’s College, University of
Oxford, Oxford, 6-7 July 2015.
- Liviu PILAT, Între onoare și trădare: pribegia lui Vasco Barinovski
și relațiile moldo-polone la începutul secolului XVI, Puterea
cuvintelor - cuvintele puterii. Discurs, propagandă,
cuvinte memorabile, Institutul de Istorie „N. Iorga”, București, 7 december 2014.
- Nicoleta ROMAN, Words
and Deeds: Children’s violence towards their Parents in the 19th Century
Romanian Society, International
Workshop, ’’Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother’’: Violence Against Parents in the
North of Europe – St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, Oxford, 6-7
July 2015.
- Nicoleta
ROMAN, Une lutte pour vie, une lutte pour
survivre: pauvre, veuve et avec enfants dans la Valachie du XIXème siècle, Journée d’étude, Les familles face au
veuvage en Europe (19ème-20ème siècles), Rennes, Université Rennes II, 5
October 2015
important result with a significant impact is the volume published by Constance
Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Patimă şi
desfătare. Despre lucrurile mărunte ale vieţii cotidiene în societatea
românească (1750-1860), Bucureşti,
Humanitas, 2015, 488 p. Dedicated
to everyday life, the book offers an image of early modern Romanian society,
including aspects related to family, sexuality and leisure.
Articles published by research team members reflect very well fulfill the
second objective stated above and also the direction followed by each
Constanţa VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU, ’’Condica de toate pricinile şi trebuinţele casii mele’’ de pitarul
Dumitru Piersiceanu de la Fundata (1804-1839) in Dan-Dumitru Iacob, Avere,
prestigiu şi cultură materială în surse patrimoniale. Inventare de averi din
secolele XVI-XIX, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii ’’Alexandru Ioan Cuza’’, 2015,
pp. 523-552
Constanţa VINTILĂ-GHIŢULESCU, ’’Să-şi ia copiii să şi’i crească’’: despre copiii şi lumea copilăriei
(1700-1850) in Nicoleta Roman (ed.), Copilăria Românească între familie şi
societate (secolele XVII-XX), Bucureşti, Nemira, 2015, pp. 189-206
Liviu PILAT,
Petronel ZAHARIUC, Începutul domniei lui Ioniţă Sandu Sturza. Un fragment din istoria
anului 1822 în Lucian-Valeriu Lefter, Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu (eds.), In
honorem Mircea Ciubotaru, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii ’’Alexandru Ioan Cuza’’,
2015, pp. 487-551
Nicoleta ROMAN, Être
nourrice à Bucarest au debut du XIXème
siècle: pistes de travail in ,,Romanian Journal of Modern History’’,
1-2/2014, pp. 19-39 (issued in 2015)
Nicoleta ROMAN, Şcolile
săteşti din Ţara Românească: începuturi, obstacole şi realizări (1831-1848) in
Cătălina Mihalache, Leonidas Rados (eds.), Educaţia publică şi condiţionările
sale (secolele XIX-XX), Iaşi, Editura Universităţii ’’Alexandru Ioan Cuza’’,
2015, pp. 49-87
Our results show the
importance of research topic and its potential, which fact put the Romanian
historical research on an important position. On the history of sexuality
between Romanian historiography and other European historiography there is a
gap, but not so large such other traditional historiographical issues. This
leads us to believe that during the next stages, the results will be important,
especially in terms of relations between sexuality, gender and power, subject
which receive a special attention from researchers in the last time.