Scientific report 2014

Sexuality and Political-religious discourse
 in Romanian Pre-Modern Society
Project PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0079

During 2014 the project team members Sexuality and religious-political discourse in early modern Romanian society continued to documentation and exploitation of results. In addition to identifying new documents and related literature covering research topic, team members have published books and articles in journals and collective volumes and attended scientific meetings in the country and abroad. Some of these activities are ongoing and will be completed in the future. For this stage the team had to fulfill two main objectives, namely, the development of case studies on the involvement of Romanian international scientific debate on sexuality and enhancement of the preliminary results of research and ensure connection with Romanian and foreign specialists on the project field. Both objectives were met, but they still relevant for future stages.
          Thus, to fulfill the second objective, the project team organized in collaboration with the New Europe College and University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" international conference L’avènement d’un nouvel imaginaire collectif ? « Corps » du peuple, « Corps de la Nation », Sexualité et Modernité, Bucharest, 17-18 octomber 2014. The scientific event brought together specialists from Romania, France and Greece and the participants appreciated the quality of papers and discussions. Project team members presented on this occasion the following communications:
Liviu Pilat : Sexuality and Power in Moldavia (15th-16th centuries)
Petronel zahariuc : Le clergé orthodoxe et les mœurs des croyants de Moldavie à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe
Christophe Regina : Contraindre le corps des femmes par le travail et la prière : l'institution des refuges en France sous l'Ancien Régime
Nicoleta Roman : Un nouveau groupe social vers la modernité en Valachie au XIXe siècle: les enfants. Programmes et intentions pour le corps, l'esprit et l'âme des enfants roumains
Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu : Expertiser les corps et la sexualité : ‘amateurs’ et ‘spécialistes’ (1750-1830)
In addition to organizing this international conference, team members presented scientific papers at major scientific meetings. Thus, Constance Vintilă-Ghiţulescu presented the paper Seduced by the Work / Seduced by the Men. Romanian Childhood and Their Experiences the XVIIIth century Apprentice in the session "Learning and Training Patterns of Skilled Labour Force in preindustrial Europe (14th-18th Centuries)",  European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 22 to 26 April 2014. In the same conference, Nicoleta Roman presented the paper Infanticide in Nineteenth-century Wallachia: Laws, Discourse and Social Responses în the session “Infanticide in Europe from the Late Middle Ages to the Present”. Also, the same researcher presented the paper A name for nobody's child. Baptism, godparents an abandoned children in Wallachia (1800–1860), in the 2014 Conference of the European Society of Historical Demography, Alghero, 25-27 September 2014. It also notes Constanța Vintilă-Ghiţulescu presented the paper Travailler pour les autres. La domesticité roumaine à travers les comptes d’un patron agricole  (1800-1838) in the international conference "Servants and Domestic Workers in Rural Europe, XVI to XIX Centuries. Diversity and Regional forms of dependance ", November 28, 2014, EHESS, Paris. All work papers will be published in proceedings of conferences next year.
An important result, with a significant impact on increasing the visibility of Romanian historical research internationally, is the volume published by Constance Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Im Schalwar und mit Baschlik. Kirche, Sexualität, Ehe und in der Walachei Scheidung im 18. Jarhundert, Frank & Timmme, Berlin, 2013. Appeared in the last days of last year, the amount was not included in the report year. Powered by news documents, the book represents an authentic sample of Romanian social history, providing the reader examples impression passed on topical issues such as love, sexuality, marriage and divorce.
          Articles published by research team members reflect very well fulfill the first objective stated above and also the direction followed by each researcher. Note that the number of items made by team members is higher, but we mention here only those already published.
- Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Mixed Marriages, Mixed Children: between Norms and Practices in Romanian Society (18th-19th Centuries), în Luminţa Dumănescu, Daniela Mârza, Marius Eppel, Intermarriage throughout History, Cambridge Scholar Publisher, 2014.
- Constanţa Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, «Rapiécer un honneur perdu»: filles, parents et sexualité dans la société roumaine (XVIIIe siècle), SIDeS, Popolazione e Storia”, 1/2013, pp. 105-128.
- Nicoleta Roman, Orfanii evgheniţi ai familiei Oteteleşanu în Valahia primei jumătăţi a veacului al XIX-lea în Mircea Ciubotaru, Lucian Lefter (eds.), ,,Mihail Dim. Sturdza la 80 ani. Omagiu'', Iaşi, Editura Universităţii ''Alexandru Ioan Cuza'', 2014, pp. 877–918.
- Petronel Zahariuc, Despre „slujbele facute patriei”. Vornicul Constantin Sturdza, presedinte al Societatii de Medici si Naturalisti din Iasi, în vol. „Mihai Dim.Sturdza la 80 de ani. Omagiu”, editori Mircea Ciubotaru, Lucian-Valeriu Lefter, Editura Universitatii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iasi, 2014, p. 221-244.

Our results show the importance of research topic and its potential, wich fact put the Romanian historical research on an important position. On the history of sexuality between Romanian historiography and other European historiography there is a gap, but not so large such other traditional historiographical issues. This leads us to believe that during the next stages, the results will be important, especially in terms of relations between sexuality, gender and power, subject which receive a special attention from researchers in the last time. Unfortunately, the project Sexuality and politico-religious discourse in early modern Romanian society is under the auspices of a total lack of predictability, which makes it very hard work of researchers and their full involvement in European scientific gear. The scientific researchers misses important because, in the absence of any indications concerning the amount and the date of execution of the budget can not confirm participation. We hope that in the future stages this major difficulty will be eliminated.

Scientific Report 2013

Sexuality and Political-religious discourse in Romanian Pre-Modern Society
Project PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0079

          The first phase of the project, covering a period of four months, was devoted mainly to organizational issues, with a purpose to the best possible conduct of the research process during future stages. The first goal was the establishment of the Action Plan for the purposes of research. This objective was carried out by delineating responsibilities among team members depending of competence, each of the members reserving him a clear role, contribution to the joint effort will be reported strictly according to this factor. Team members agreed that involvement in the project take place gradually as needed. Also falling under this objective and setting preliminary stages and objectives and establish the strategy work.
An important goal for this phase was the research plan development in many ways (themes) complementary. Team members considered it was necessary to structure the sources and bibliography for each theme, according to the research plan. This became clear from the discussions in the round table Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society Pre-Romanian: Sources and Methods of Approach.
          Another important objective was the coverage of the project has been achieved mainly by organizing and attending a workshop discussion of the Reflection Group on Political and Social History of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, held in Iasi, from 8 -9 November 2013, an event that had far-reaching international conference profile, in which it was intended public presentation of preliminary objectives. In this respect, communication presented by the principal investigator, Constanta Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Pe urmele celetnicei Chiriachii: despre moravuri în societatea românească a secolului al XVIII-lea and the other members of the project interventions have attracted the attention of other participants, who appreciated the great interest posed this area of research. Also for the purpose of covering the project and the partial release of the results are the production project web page.
          An important event was the publishing of book Evgheniți, ciocoi mojici. Despre obrazele primei modernități românești, 1750-1862, signed by Constance Vintilă-Ghiţulescu and Publishers Humanitas, work that has received particular attention from the local cultural environment.

          Based on the results obtained in this short stage, the team expects further research grant individual and collective design of new projects. At the same time, we plan participation in national and international scientific meetings in which to present the current state of documentation and research on the topic, whose cultural impact to contribute primarily to increase the visibility of Romanian historical research internationally.