Scientific Report 2013

Sexuality and Political-religious discourse in Romanian Pre-Modern Society
Project PN-II-ID-PCE-2012-4-0079

          The first phase of the project, covering a period of four months, was devoted mainly to organizational issues, with a purpose to the best possible conduct of the research process during future stages. The first goal was the establishment of the Action Plan for the purposes of research. This objective was carried out by delineating responsibilities among team members depending of competence, each of the members reserving him a clear role, contribution to the joint effort will be reported strictly according to this factor. Team members agreed that involvement in the project take place gradually as needed. Also falling under this objective and setting preliminary stages and objectives and establish the strategy work.
An important goal for this phase was the research plan development in many ways (themes) complementary. Team members considered it was necessary to structure the sources and bibliography for each theme, according to the research plan. This became clear from the discussions in the round table Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society Pre-Romanian: Sources and Methods of Approach.
          Another important objective was the coverage of the project has been achieved mainly by organizing and attending a workshop discussion of the Reflection Group on Political and Social History of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, held in Iasi, from 8 -9 November 2013, an event that had far-reaching international conference profile, in which it was intended public presentation of preliminary objectives. In this respect, communication presented by the principal investigator, Constanta Vintilă-Ghiţulescu, Pe urmele celetnicei Chiriachii: despre moravuri în societatea românească a secolului al XVIII-lea and the other members of the project interventions have attracted the attention of other participants, who appreciated the great interest posed this area of research. Also for the purpose of covering the project and the partial release of the results are the production project web page.
          An important event was the publishing of book Evgheniți, ciocoi mojici. Despre obrazele primei modernități românești, 1750-1862, signed by Constance Vintilă-Ghiţulescu and Publishers Humanitas, work that has received particular attention from the local cultural environment.

          Based on the results obtained in this short stage, the team expects further research grant individual and collective design of new projects. At the same time, we plan participation in national and international scientific meetings in which to present the current state of documentation and research on the topic, whose cultural impact to contribute primarily to increase the visibility of Romanian historical research internationally.